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Mark McGinty – AIA Las Vegas Spotlight
By John Ritz
October 5, 2021 News, Regional Firm, Team

Knit Principal, Mark McGinty, is the member spotlight in the latest AIA Las Vegas Forum Newsletter. Check out Mark’s feature below.
I Am A Member Of The American Institute Of Architects (AIA) Because… I believe this is the forum to support the growth of the profession in Nevada. AIA allows one on one interactions between senior and young professionals in both casual and formal learning environments giving both groups a wider, varied look at architecture.
After 38 years in the architecture and construction industries here in Nevada, I have worked on many project types i.e. retail, custom homes and hospitality. My passion now, (at least for the last 21 years) has been educational and not-for-profit projects because they have such an important role to play in our communities. City Redevelopment Zones are another passion I share with many of my peers and I’m currently in my 14th year on the Henderson Redevelopment Commission. When I’m not practicing the profession, my wife of 33 years and I spend our time remodeling our home, off-roading and camping.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned? Be a good listener, Listen to your client, your staff, your business partners
Where will you be in 20 years? Retired and enjoying grandchildren How do you think the profession will evolve in the next 5-10 years? Material Science has to evolve to address the 2030 challenge and Virtual Design will become common place in the act of producing construction documents.
If you were to change one thing about our profession today what would it be? Bring back Professional Courtesy. Remember when we would call each other upon the recognition of another professionals title blocks in our office- prior to giving that new client a fee proposal? You all Remember.