Legacy Traditional School, North Valley
Learn - Charter SchoolLegacy Traditional Schools is recognized as the top charter school in Arizona and they are excited to bring their traditional educational model to Nevada. Legacy was founded on the principle that parents and staff will work together as partners to provide an education that encourages students to pursue academic excellence to the best of their abilities. The back-to-basics curriculum, accelerated pace of studies, and high expectations for academic achievement, behavior, and dress code require a firm commitment from every parent, student, and teacher.
The North Valley campus is Legacy Traditional School’s first campus in Nevada and is a prototype design that will be used on multiple sites throughout southern Nevada. The campus includes an L shaped, two-story building that consists of 83,015 square feet and an indoor gym/multi-purpose room. The campus also features an athletic field and basketball court as well as playground equipment and swings.
Important to the design of the school site was the inclusion of 4,000 linear feet of vehicle queuing for drop-off and pick-up of students. Providing the queuing lanes removes vehicle back-ups from surrounding community streets and facilitates an expedited end of school pickup with nearly 1,000 students being picked up by parents in a brief 20 minutes time frame.
Knit is responsible for the Programming, Planning, Governmental Processing, Health Department, Design, Cost Estimating, Interior Design, Contract Documents, and Construction Administration on the school.